You will be paired with a personal career coach depending on your career field. Once paired, you will go through a 5 steps process in a 4 weeks span. Once these 4 weeks are over you will have a career map on how to reach your goals, job and internship interviews set-up, and the resources to get hired!

What is involved in the 5 step process?

Step 1:  Career Screening

Your first meeting with your career coach will be them getting to know you and your goals!

How are you going to achieve your career goal?

Where to start?

What types of jobs to apply for?

Where to apply?

What resources are best to utilize?

2. Resume Review

We will walk through your resume and make any editing, formatting corrections, and making sure it has relevant information.

We also will help with:

  • Tailoring your resume to specific job.
  • Creating multiple resumes for different types of job

Step 3: Professional Profiles

Employers will always review all of your online profiles before considering you. By having an exceptional LinkedIn and an online portfolio, you are more than likely to get called in for an interview, OR many employers will find you and contact you.

We will Review your LinkedIn profile, make any grammatical changes, add in required information, create an exceptional bio, and will teach you secret ways on how to standout from others.

Online Portfolio:

You will be taught how to create your free online portfolio as an addition to your resume, to impress employers.

Step 4: Basic Interview Questions

  • How to market yourself during your interview?
  • Provide interview practice and show you how to answer basic interview questions that will be asked

Step 5: Target Jobs and Companies

  • We will help you to develop a list of jobs and companies that fit your career goals.
  • Walk you through applications
  • Tailor your resume for each job you apply for

Step 6. You are now ready to start applying, and interviewing!

You will be able to touch base & and ask questions to your career coach for your entire job search.